The Family

The Family

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gideon's Video

I am so excited to finally have this video finished! 
Since before Gideon came home, I knew that when he did, I wanted to do a video of pictures with him to this song--
This Is Home by Switchfoot.

This song makes me melt every time I hear it.  It is completely perfect for an adoption video and I think, I hope, it exemplifies what he is thinking about his new life here in our family.

This video is an accumulation of pictures from his first three months home in our family.  Three months of joy!  Joy and relief that he is in fact HOME!

Gideon has been such a blessing to us, it is amazing.  He makes us smile every day and makes us thank God continuously for all the people who have prayed for us and our adoption, and helped us finance it as well.  Thank you to everyone who helped bring this 6th ray of sunshine into our lives! 

Enjoy our video, and please click the pause button on my playlist below before watching.

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