Happy Father's Day!!!!
to all the great dads out there, especially my awesome dad Harry and another awesome dad, my husband Tim!
All you dads out there don't always get all the appreciation you deserve. You are often looked over, trod upon, expected to give up your Sunday nap to make a home repair or your Saturday to drive kids to soccer games.
But I want all you dads out there to know how loved, respected and necessary you are! You... the walkers of the dogs, fixers of the bikes, mowers of the lawns...
today is YOUR day!
I hope all you dads out there got some awesome homemade cards from the kiddos and some extra, well deserved hugs today! Us mommas love you too and couldn't do it nearly as well without you.
Thanks daddy-o's for all you do, and I hope you enjoy a wonderful day!
Take a looksie at this absolutely HILLARIOUS and oh-so-true video below!!
Love the video!