The Family

The Family

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Quick Update!

I have been lazy about keeping this up the past couple months and I apologize!  There has just been so much going on, it has been hard for me to take the time to blog.  But, I wanted to share a few things....

Firstly, I wanted to give a praise report!  Our son Atticus is in remission with his Leukemia!!!  His levels had to be below a .010 to be considered in remission this past Wednesday and he was at a ZERO!!  The doctor said you can't get any better than zero.  :)  So we are very grateful that we get to continue down the normal path for course of treatment, rather than embarking on a new path of "high risk" treatment which would be a lot more intense.  We love our little man so much and just want him to get better as quickly as possible, and the Lord so far is hearing our prayers!

Next, I wanted to give an update on our adoption!  So far, so good!  I have been home since October 30th and am actually getting ready to leave again tonight to return for court.  There are many things we need prayers for...... safe travel, that we still have court this next week as planned, and that the judge rules in our favor.  We are so anxious to get our two newest children home where they belong, and we are praying there are no delays.

Tim and Schuyler are still there with them and have been enjoying their daily visits very much.  They have done crafts, gone hiking, played volleyball in the gym and soccer on the field.  It is getting colder there, but they are still hanging out outside most of the time.  I can't wait to get back and see all of them.  My husband especially!!

I also wanted to share this most wonderful card I had emailed to me the other day from Sacred Selections!  They have been so instrumental in helping us get all of our kiddos home. Frst Gideon, then Charlotte and Atticus, and now our latest two children as well.  We could not have done it without them!  And just look at this gorgeous card showing ALL the children they have helped to get to their forever families this year!!!  Amazing.  Can you find our kids 4 precious faces???  LOVE!

And one more big praise report, on the adoption front this time!!  I was just informed today by a friend of ours from church, that we have been awarded a $1,000 grant from Wells Fargo.  Our friend Margaret works for the bank, and put forth our name and the story of our adoptions for consideration, and we won!!  I tell you, when you are trying to help the least of His children, He will provide a way.  God is good, and our friends are wonderful!  I feel so blessed and so humbled that she even thought of us and our adoption finances and put our name out to be considered.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we are truly grateful!!!

So for now, here are a few pictures, and yet again I am signing off until I get over to the other side of the pond!!

Halloween was so much fun!  So glad I didn't miss it!!

Me and my ladybug!

My last night there before I came home

Typical street market

We had so much fun making these paracord bracelets.  They were a hit!

And my ipad is a hit too  ;)

Love this picture!  Our first day there.

Me and my boy!  Can you tell I am happy to be with him???

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