The Family

The Family

Monday, September 3, 2012

We Were Submitted Today!!

What a happy morning for our family!!!  We found out that our dossier was SUBMITTED to the powers that be in our children's country!!  Now to wait for that important phone call giving us our appointment date!!  According to our facilitator and our stateside coordinator, we should be ready to travel in about 5-6 weeks! WOW!! That is really SOON!

While we are very happy about this news it also brings with it some worry.  Of the monetary kind.  You see, for our last two adoptions we had a bit more security-- a cushion.  Both our son from China and our two children from Eastern Europe had grants already in place for their adoption.  Substantial ones.  These two children don't have any funding for them already in place.  And being that we just returned from EE in May, neither do we.

This adoption is truly another step out in faith for us, and we are prepared to watch again as God provides as he has done so mightily and generously before, for HIS children.  These orphans are HIS children.  All of our children are.  We are here to take care of them and raise them in a way that would be pleasing unto HIM while we live this short life here on this earth.  And that is what we aim to do.

We have already seen the blessings pouring forth!!!  Here are some examples....

The amazing families that give to the Sacred Selections grant ministry have blessed us with a $4000 grant!!  We are SO thankful for that and them!!!!!

The people at Reece's Rainbow have allowed us to set up an FSP account as we had done with our last adoption.  So far $370 has been donated to that account for us by others wanting to help!!!  Thank you!!

Donating to our FSP is tax deductible and very easy to do, either via Paypal or by mailing a check with our name in the memo line.  There is now a direct link to our FSP on the top of the sidebar of this blog page.  Please click on it and DONATE if you feel lead to do so.  We would be so grateful!

I have set up an online Facebook auction which is already up and running and receiving bids!!!   It is open to everyone, so if you have a Facebook account, please click on the following link and bid, bid, BID on some goodies!  There is everything from children's toys to jewelry to photography packages and more!!!
Go here to check it out!!

There is hopefully more fundraising to come....... like a Thirty-One Gifts online show, and more.  So stay tuned, and thank you for your prayers and your support as we journey to Eastern Europe one more time to bring home two precious blessings to our family!

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